Instruction for Author

General requirements

  1. The article is between 2000 and 5000 words in length (Notes, and tables)
  2. Include a declaration stating that the article has never been previously published, anywhere or in any way.
  3. Each article will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Should there be a similarity of more than 20%, the article will be returned to the author.
  4. The component title is written in Capital Each Word, Bold, Times New Roman, 14 font size.
  5. The following components are included in each article:

Title: Maximum of 20 words in Times New Roman letters, 14 bold print.

Author's name: The author's name is typed under the Article Title with Letter Times New Roman 12, without author's title, and may not be abbreviated. Under the name is written the field of expertise, the author’s institution.

Abstract: The abstract is written in Times New Roman font size 10 and is single-spaced. 250 words maximum in a single paragraph, excluding references, abbreviations/acronyms, and footnotes. Abstracts are not mathematical formulas but more as queries and reasonable assumptions. The abstract contains information on the study's aims, methods of implementation, analytical methodologies, findings, and conclusions.

Keywords: Use precise words or phrases to describe the article's contents, keywords separated by commas (,), a maximum of five words. Correspondent author: explains the first author's complete address and email, which are displayed at the bottom of the left corner of the page (adjust the template)

Introduction: Introduction typed in capital letters [Times New Roman 12 bold] contains the background of overcoming a problem, urgency and rationalization of activities, literature review, problem-solving plan, activity objectives, and hypothesis development [Times New Roman 12 font, normal] Note for Author: The length of the article is between 2500-5000 words (including literature, notes, and tables). Articles are typed in the Microsoft Office Word format. Using Times New Roman font size 12, single space on A4 paper [Times New Roman 12 font, normal]

Method: The research method explains the implementation methods employed in the study. The method is described clearly and in detail [Times New Roman 12 font, normal]

Results and Discussion: Explain the results of the research in the form of problem-solving analyzed using relevant theories. The results of the study also revealed the findings of the research. Discussion is accompanied by logical arguments by linking the results of research with theory, the results of other studies.

Conclusions and Suggestions: Conclusions contain a summary of the results of the research and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to the formulation of research problems or research objectives and research hypotheses. Conclusions are explained briefly and clearly. The suggestion section describes the application or development of science. Conclusions and suggestions do not use points or numbering but are described in one paragraph. [Times New Roman 12 font, normal]

Acknowledgments: Describe anyone who directly helps your research such as funders (an institution called non-personal), may be supplemented by the research contract number. Thank you to the intended parties (if any and significant related to the study).

Reference List: Contains primary literature sourced from national and international journals, books and secondary sources from credible and accountable internet sources. The reference list is written following the American Psychological Association (APA) Fifth edition. All sources listed in the bibliography must be in the article script by using referral applications.

*Review Article

Review article is different from research article. It rather examines data presented by research articles. Review article must be strong in argumentation presented. An argumentation usually contains Assertion which is the claim of statement, reasoning is the logical explanation that supports the claim, warrant is the soul of the argument that covers the question “so what?”, and evidence is the last part that strengthens the reason.

The structure of your review article includes abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and references.

*Abstract: typed with Times New Roman font 10, sloping, no reference, nor abbreviation/acronym and footnote. It generally includes a summary of the review question, the primary study reviewed and conclusions of the study.

*Introduction: write the topic of the study, which serves as the identification sentence. It should indicate what the article contains. Clearly outline the order in which every sub-topic will be discussed to give the reader background information needed to understand the sections in the article.

*Body: including subtopics the study addresses.

*Conclusion: it should briefly state your rationale for your review and the purpose of the article.

*References: using APA fifth edition style.