About the Journal

Journal of Social Commerce  with ISSN 2809-9303 (Online) and 2809-929X (Print) is an international journal published by Celebes Scholar pg. The Journal of Social Commerce aims at providing platform for scholars, researchers, practitioners, professors, and students to publish their literary work in the study of commerce.

Journal of Social Commerce covers all theories and practice of commerce including Economy, Management, Accounting, Marketing, and Human Resources. Journal of Social Commerce publishes quarterly (March, June, September, December).

Focus and Scope

  • Economy
  • Management
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Finance 


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Open Access Statement

Journal of Social Commerce publishes full open access journal. All articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication provided, the author and the journal are properly credited. 

Policy of Plagiarism

The editorial board of the Journal of Social Commerce recognizes that plagiarism is not acceptable and thus establishes the following policy outlining specific actions that will be taken in the event that plagiarism/similarity is discovered in articles submitted for publication. The journal will use Turnitin's originality checking software to identify textual similarities between drafts and final versions of articles suitable for publishing. A maximum of 20% similarity is permitted between submitted articles. If we discover that the similarity index is more than 20%, the article will be returned to the author for editing and resubmission.

Licensing Statement

Articles of the Journal of Social Commerce are licensed under

Creative Commons License


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